Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ask.Dentist牙牙学医:Popcorn and your teeth 爆米花与你的牙齿

POPCORN can be a healthy snack in other regards, BUT it is unfortunately rather damaging to the teeth.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ask.Dentist牙牙学医:How to replace my missing teeth? 牙齿没了怎么办?

Why do I need to replace my missing teeth?
Our teeth have many functions, such as to chew, to speak, to keep the facial muscles and tissue in a proper position, for better appearance, to smile, to socialize with other peoples and to keep the other teeth from shifting.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ask.Dentist 牙牙学医:(Wisdom tooth PART II)- Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? 智慧牙应该拔除吗?

Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? 智慧牙应该拔除吗?

Is your wisdom tooth troubling you? Should you have your wisdom teeth removed?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ask.Dentist 牙牙学医:(Wisdom tooth PART I) - Wisdom teeth, are you really wise? 智慧牙知多少?

Have you ever wondered how your wisdom teeth got their name? Are they really smarter than the rest of your teeth? 
Your wisdom teeth, or third molars, inherited their name because they are the last teeth in your mouth to develop and erupt. This eruption most often takes place during your late teen years, which has been referred to by some as the age of “wisdom” –hence the name wisdom teeth.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ask.Dentist牙牙学医:What is root canal treatment? 什么是抽牙根(牙根管治疗)?

Has your dentist or endodontist told you that you need root canal treatment? If so, what do you understand about root canal treatment?

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment also called Endodontic treatments and it is done when decay will likely damage or has already killed a tooth. (death tooth-refer to our previous article). 
Simply, a root canal is procedures of removal the infected pulp tissue and replacement of a tooth pulp ,  and this procedure may be performed by a general dentist or a specialist called an endodontist. More than one office visit usually is required.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ask.Dentist: What is death tooth? How to save a death tooth?

What Is a Dead Tooth?

Did you know teeth can die?  Did you ever heard your dentist said your tooth is dead? So what actually the "death tooth" means?

In simple word, death tooth it’s when the nerve (and other living tissue like blood cells) inside a tooth has died, or been removed by dentist during treatment. All ‘normal’ teeth have living tissue inside the pulp (the innermost part). This living tissue plays a role in the development of the teeth, and the nerve part of the pulp that tells you if your coffee is hot or your ice cream is cold!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ask.Dentist 牙牙学医:What is bruxism/ griding teeth? 什么是磨牙症?

Are you grinding your teeth while you are sleeping? Or your loved one complaint of your grind teeth sound at night? Or having jaw pain, and headaches after you wake up from sleep? 

You are possibly suffering of Bruxism!