Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ask.Dentist牙牙学医: What is gum disease? 什么是牙龈疾病?

Are you having loose teeth? Bleeding while brushing your teeth? Bad mouth breath? You are possibly having Gum disease! 

What is gum disease?
Gum disease is an Infection of the Gums and Surrounding Tissues that hold teeth in place. In healthy stage the level of bone should be around the neck of the tooth. Whereas, in periodontal disease state, the bone level has reduced.
 (picture below)

Is gum problem a sign of aging?
In past, people used to think that gum disease, teeth loose is normal when people getting older. However, this is not true! The good news is that gum disease can be prevented. It does not have to be a part of growing older. With thorough brushing and flossing and regular professional cleanings by your dentist, you can reduce your risk of developing gum disease as you age. If you have been treated for gum disease, sticking to a proper oral hygiene routine and visiting your dentist for regular cleanings can minimize the chances that it will come back.

Why are you having gum disease?
Plaque Buildup Can Form Tartar. Gum disease is typically caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that allow dental plaque -- a sticky film of bacteria -- to build up on the teeth. Plaque that is not removed can harden and form tartar that brushing doesn't clean. Only a professional cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist can remove tartar.


Health Tooth support structure: GUM tissue + bone

How a healthy gum should be looks like?

Your healthy gum should be pink in color, pyramidal in shape, not bleed easily on brushing, no bad breath.

Mild form of Gum Disease

Gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. In the stage, it is usually painless, that's why many people choose to neglect it. The supporting bone is still intact, thus if you are able to keep good oral hygiene, the condition can go back to normal. (reversible).
Warning sign of mild form Gum disease (gingivitis): Gum red in color, Swollen, Bleeding on brushing, and Mouth odor

Severe form of Gum Disease
Periodontitis, a more severe form that can damage the soft tissues and bone that support teeth. It can be further divided into early, moderate and advance stage. In the severe form of gum disease, it is not reversible due to loss of the bone that surrounding the teeth. If left untreated, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss!In more advanced cases, gum disease can cause sore gums and pain when chewing.

Warning Sign of severe form Gum Disease (periodontitis):
  • Gums that bleed easily (may have spontaneous bleeding)
  • Red, swollen, tender gums
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • Persistent bad breath or bad taste
  • Adult teeth becoming loose
  • Cannot bite properly
  • Pus discharge from the gum while pressing
  • Denture start becoming loose.

What are the treatments for gum diseases?

In mild form of gum disease, scaling and polishing treatment is enough to remove the causative factor (plaque and calculus), and treat the disease. In sever type of gum disease, you will have to undergo scaling and polish plus root planning, and antibiotics. If such treatment does not effective in treating the disease, surgery (periodontal) may be indicated.

Pictures of root planning

Periodontal Surgery (video)





在过去,人们习惯认为当人们变老时,牙齿开始松动是正常的。然而,这是不正确的!好消息是,牙龈疾病是可以预防的。它并不一定是年龄老化的一部分。有了彻底的刷牙和使用牙线和定期让您的牙医专业的洗牙 (Scaling),洗牙可以降低你随着年龄患上牙周病的风险。治疗牙龈疾病后,您一定要保持正确的口腔卫生习惯,并定期让您的牙医检查及洗牙可减少复发的机会。







牙龈炎 (Gingivitis),一个轻微的牙龈疾病。在该阶段,它通常是不痛的,这就是为这样很多人选择忽视它。牙周围的骨仍然完好,因此,如果你能保持良好的口腔卫生,病情可以恢复正常。 


牙周炎 (Periodontitis),一个更严重的形式,可以破坏支持牙齿的软组织和骨。它可以进一步分为早,中,后期阶段。在牙周病的严重的形式,它是不可逆的,意思就是说因为其周围牙齿的骨已损失使它不能恢复之前完好的牙龈状况。如果不及时治疗,牙周炎可导致牙齿脱落!有些牙龈疾病甚至在咀嚼时会引起牙龈肿痛和疼痛。
严重的牙龈疾病(牙周炎)警示 :容易出血的牙龈(可能有自发性出血),红,肿,牙龈疼痛, 牙龈慢慢往下移,严重口臭问题,成人牙齿松动,不能咬东西,脓液从牙龈排出,假牙开始松动。



牙根面平整 (root planning)

牙周手术 (影像)