Monday, December 9, 2013

Ask.Dentist牙牙学医:What is root canal treatment? 什么是抽牙根(牙根管治疗)?

Has your dentist or endodontist told you that you need root canal treatment? If so, what do you understand about root canal treatment?

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment also called Endodontic treatments and it is done when decay will likely damage or has already killed a tooth. (death tooth-refer to our previous article). 
Simply, a root canal is procedures of removal the infected pulp tissue and replacement of a tooth pulp ,  and this procedure may be performed by a general dentist or a specialist called an endodontist. More than one office visit usually is required.

What is pulp and root canal?

A root canal treatment generally involves the removal and replacement of a tooth’s pulp. The pulp is soft tissue containing blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. The pulp is found in a canal that runs through the center of the hard tissue on the inside of the tooth (the dentin). The pulp extends from the pulp chamber in the crown down through the root canal to the tip of the root in the jawbone. A tooth has only one pulp chamber but may have more than one root and several root canals

Why do you need root canal treatment for your teeth?

If your tooth's pulp becomes damaged through injury or disease and cannot repair itself, bacteria and their products can leak into the pulp and cause the pulp to die. If a root canal procedure is not performed, an abscess can form at the tip of the root and cause considerable pain. Even if there is no pain, the bone anchoring the tooth in the jaw can be damaged. Without treatment, the tooth may have to be extracted if left untreated, abscess may getting serious and facial swelling may happen.

The GOAL of root canal treatment is to PRESERVE YOUR TOOTH! In the past, injured or diseased teeth frequently had to be removed. Today, they often can be saved through Root canal treatment. 

How is root canal treatment done? 

Here is what you can expect when you schedule a root canal treatment.

On the first visit:

Local anesthetic usually is given, to maintain patient comfort. The affected tooth is isolated from saliva with a rubberlike sheet called a dam. An opening is made through the crown of the tooth. The pulp is removed, and then the root is cleaned and shaped. During the shaping procedures, the dentist may need to take a small X-ray to confirm the length of each canals. After the shaping and cleaning, medication may be added to the pulp chamber and root canal(s) to help eliminate bacteria. A temporary filling is placed in the crown opening to keep saliva out. Antibiotics may be prescribed if an infection is present and has spread beyond the end of the root(s). 

Rubber Dam Placement for isolation

Access opening make through he crown of the teeth

Instruments used to clean and shape the canal

Canal cleaning with disinfectant

X-ray taken to confirm the length

On the next visit:

The dentist will review the tooth again. If no symptoms of pain and discomfort, and there are signs of healing, the dentist will proceed to the next step. The temporary filling is removed. The root canal is filled and permanently sealed. Another X-ray will be taken to confirm the complete seal of the canals to prevent future reinfection. A metal or plastic rod or post may be placed in the root canal for structural support.

Next, you probably need your dentist to perform crown treatment (Cap) to strengthen the tooth from damage.  Crowns are made from a variety of materials, depending on the location of the tooth, the color of the tooth and the amount of natural tooth remaining. Discuss with your dentist which option is best for you.
The root canal is filled and sealed


 Before and After Root canal treatment

Crown/ Cap on tooth

How long the root canal treated tooth can last?

The restored tooth can remain healthy as long as its roots are nourished by the surrounding tissues. Good oral hygiene at home and regular dental visits can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. If you take good care of it, the restored tooth could last a lifetime

Finally, Root canal treatment treatment helps you maintain your natural smile, continue eating the foods you love and limits the need for ongoing dental work. With proper care, most teeth that have had. 
Video of root canal treatment procedures



抽牙根治疗也被称为根管治疗(root canal treatment / endodontic treatment)。 它通常因为蛀牙太深有可能损外牙髓(pulp),或已经造成牙齿死亡时,所需要的治疗 (请参考我们之前有关死牙death tooth 的文章) 。



根管治疗通常包括牙齿的牙髓的去除和充填。牙髓(pulp)里含有血管,神经组织的软组织。它贯穿在牙齿内部的硬组织(牙质)。牙髓通过牙根管向下延伸到牙根的末端。牙只有一个牙髓腔(pulp chamber),但可能有一个以上的牙根数和根管(root canals)。







患者通常被给予局部麻醉剂,以减少疗程中的疼痛。所以抽牙根基本上应该是不痛的。然后你的牙医会在你的牙齿上装上一个橡皮障以不让牙齿接触到口水。接着,牙医在牙上钻个开口,这开口将直达牙髓腔的内部。在牙髓内部中寻找所有的牙根管 (这一个步骤较难,因为牙根管的所在以及数量因人而异)。找到并确定了牙根管的所在地及数量后,牙医将开始将牙根管内部的神经及血管抽出,重新将牙根管成形然后再将牙根管内部进行彻底的清洗。在成形过程中,牙科医生可能需要采取一个小的X光照,以确认每个根管的长度。在成形和清理后,药物会被添加到牙髓腔和根管,以进一步的帮助消除细菌。最后牙医将在开口补上一个暂时的补牙。如果你牙根部发炎的状况严重,你的牙医会给于你抗生素服食。















抽牙根影像 (英文)