Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ask.Dentist 牙牙学医:(Wisdom tooth PART I) - Wisdom teeth, are you really wise? 智慧牙知多少?

Have you ever wondered how your wisdom teeth got their name? Are they really smarter than the rest of your teeth? 
Your wisdom teeth, or third molars, inherited their name because they are the last teeth in your mouth to develop and erupt. This eruption most often takes place during your late teen years, which has been referred to by some as the age of “wisdom” –hence the name wisdom teeth.

What do you know about wisdom teeth?
We all can have a maximum of 32 adult teeth.  The wisdom teeth or third molars are the last to come through, and they are right at the back.  They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. But sometime they may appear many years later. Nowadays people often have smaller jaw for all the 32 teeth, around 80% youngster do not have enough rooms for the wisdom teeth to come out properly. But there are people who do not have wisdom teeth.

Do wisdom teeth always cause problems?

No.  If there is enough room for them, they will come out into a useful position and cause no more problems than any other tooth. Often there will be some slight discomfort as they come through, but this is only temporary and will disappear once the tooth is fully in position. It is difficult to take care of the wisdom teeth, because they are far back and hard to reach during brushing. Without proper care, decay will start to develop. If decay happens, it will be painful.

What is an IMPACTED wisdom tooth?

If there is no enough room, the wisdom tooth may try to come through, but get stuck against the tooth in front of it, or the bone surrounding it, or the gums on top of it.   We, dentist described as 'impacted' and the impaction can happens with different angles.  Different angles of impaction will have different difficulty level and possible complications.

What problems should I be prepared for with wisdom teeth?

If part of the wisdom tooth has appeared through the gum and part of it is still covered, and it will be difficult to clean the area effectively, the food particles and bacteria can collect under the gum edge and  the gum may become sore and perhaps swollen.  This is known as PERICORONITIS. In mild case, you will find discomfort, pain, swelling over the wisdom tooth area, unable to chew, slight fever. In severe cases, the infection may spread to other areas such as cheek, face, head, neck, and etc.

In mild cases, it is a temporary problem that can be dealt with by using mouthwashes and special cleaning methods and possibly antibiotics.  If the problem keeps coming back, it may be better to have the tooth removed.

What can I do to help myself?

You can try this at home! Use warm water (not too hot) with a teaspoonful of salt to gargle your mouth twice or three time daily. This will help to reduce gum soreness and inflammation. Try to swish the salt water around the tooth, trying to get into the areas your toothbrush cannot reach.  This should be done several times a day.  An antibacterial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine (for example, ORADEX)  can also reduce the inflammation.  Pain-relieving tablets such as paracetamol (PANADOL), 2 tablets for three times daily can be used for reducing pain. But if the pain persist, visit  your dentist.

What if it does not help?

If the pain does not go away or if you find it difficult to open your mouth, you should see a dentist.  They will be able to see the cause of the problem, and advise you accordingly. It may be useful to clean around the tooth very thoroughly, and an antibiotic may be prescribed.

Ask.Dentist: "Next, we will share more info about " When to take out the wisdom tooth and what What to expect during the surgery of removal wisdom tooth....etc"

你有没有想过你的智慧牙这个名字的由来呢?难道他们真的比你其他的牙齿更有智慧,聪明?智慧牙是人成年后开始长出的牙齿。它们是在人的智慧成长后才长出来,所以又有智慧牙之称, 简称智齿。所以有了智慧牙,那就说明你长大成人啦






如果缺乏足够的空间容纳,会导致智慧牙的位置不正、无法正常长出,医学上称为“阻生牙”。 由于空间不足,阻生的智齿就向各种不同的方向生长,一般与邻近牙齿形成角度。不同的角度会有不同的难度级别和可能出现的并发症。


阻生智齿表面覆盖的牙肉,因为难清理而容易感染而发生智齿冠周炎(pericoronitis)。智齿冠周炎多发生在下颌,上颌甚少见。在其轻微的状况下,患侧咽喉旁软组织胀痛不适,覆盖的牙肉肿胀,张口受限,不能咀嚼和吞咽, 及发烧。如冠周炎未被控制,炎症可蔓延或扩散,引起邻近组织的感染,出现严重的并发症,这种情况在临床上并不少见。



你可以在家里尝试这个方法!用一杯温开水(不要太烫) ,加上一茶匙盐,每天漱口两次至三次。这将有助于减少牙龈​​疼痛和炎症。试着将盐水用力的清洗牙刷无法刷干净的地方。你也可以使用含有抗菌的漱口剂(例如, Oradex ),这也可以减少牙冠周的细菌,有助于减轻炎症。止痛片,如乙酰氨基酚(班纳杜 panadol) ,每次2片每日三次,也可以在短期内减轻疼痛。但如果疼痛一周后没有好转,请尽快寻求您的牙医治疗。


牙牙学医:"........好了,我们先为您分享到这里。 接下来,我们将告诉您“什么时候需要拔除智慧牙呢?及更多有关拔除阻生智慧牙的知识........"