Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Ugly Truth You May Not know About Your ToothBrush

Your toothbrush may be uglier than what you see!

How to reduce the bacteria hanging on the toothbrush?

You may not give much thought to cleaning your toothbrush, since you’re wetting it every day to scrub your teeth. However, it’s important -- and easy -- to do.

ASKDENT Tips No.1. 
Wash it. 

Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly under tap water to remove debris. If you have a systemic illness, immune disorder or just recover from flu, you may want to soak it in antibacterial mouthwash such as Oradex (chlorhexidine mouthwash). Dishwasher can clean and disinfect our dishes, so why not our toothbrushes? You can just put your toothbrush into the dishwasher and clean it. 

ASKDENT Tips No.2. 
Try deep cleaning. 

There are many types of toothbrush sanitizers on the market. These sanitizers help in killing the bacteria on the toothbrush before you put them into your mouth. Some use ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms.
ASKDENT Tips No.3. 
Store it properly. 

After use, don’t put the wet toothbrush back into your medicine cabinet, drawer, bathroom cup and forget about it. Do not keep in the wet area such as bathroom, or toilet!
Store it upright, in a rack or cup, where it can dry out. Look for a cover that lets air circulate and prevents mold, but isn’t completely sealed. The lack of air can foster bacteria.

When to change your toothbrush?

How often should you change your toothbrush to prevent the microoganism from building up?  
ASKDENT Tips No.4.
Know when to let go your toothbrushes. 

Replace your toothbrush about every 3 to 4 months, or when it shows signs of wear. Frayed bristles will not clean the teeth and gums adequately.

ASKDENT Tips No.5. 
Change your toothbrushes after illness. 

Throw away a brush you or anyone in your home used while sick. 
ASKDENT Tips No.6.
Yes, that means all toothbrushes.

Electric or power toothbrush need to treat the same way like the normal tootbrush. Do not keep them more than 3 months. Remember to chuck the brush attachment after an illness or when the bristles begin to show signs of wear.
ASKDENT Tips No.7. No Sharing

Tempted to lend a toothbrush to a family member? Oh, please DON'T. Toothbrush sharing can transfer saliva and bacteria -- even the kind that cause tooth decay into your mouth. Bacteria and viruses from sick people can transfer into your mouth by sharing toothbrush. So please don't ever share your toothbrush.