Sunday, June 29, 2014

How to Eat right during fasting month?

RAMADAN is an opportunity for Muslims to change their lifestyle. They can eat less, quit smoking and increase physical activities. 

With the small window of time for eating your meals, and the nightly tarawih prayers, this is the perfect start to re-calibrate one’s way of living.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

6 little known way on How to take care of your first baby tooth! 6个方法教你照顾你宝贝的第一颗牙

How to take care of your first baby tooth?

By the time your child is 5, more than 30 percent of his classmates will have tooth decay, which can be well advanced even by age 3. “Early preventative care is the key to keeping your baby cavity-free!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lipstick Shades To Fake A Brighter Smile. Are you using the correct lipstick shades? 唇膏的颜色可以让牙齿瞬间看起来亮白。你选对颜色了吗?

Are you using the correct lipstick shades? 

We love seeing people embrace their gap-toothed grins and snuggle fangs, but a brighter smile is something we all want. However, at-home teeth whitening kits are often pricey and painful and natural remedies for whiter teeth can take lots of time. But, Girls and Ladies did you know that achieving a megawatt smile was a simple as applying lipstick?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Do you floss? 你有用牙线的习惯吗?