Sunday, June 8, 2014

Do you floss? 你有用牙线的习惯吗?

  • Start with about 18 inches of floss. Wrap most of it around the middle finger of one hand, the rest around the other middle finger.
  • Grasp the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers, and use a gentle shoeshine motion to guide it between teeth.
  • When the floss reaches the gum line, form a C shape to follow the contours of the tooth.
  • Hold the floss firmly against the tooth, and move the floss gently up and down.
  • Repeat with the other tooth, and then repeat the entire process with the rest of your teeth, “unspooling” fresh sections of floss as you go along.
Don’t forget to floss the backs of your last molars. By far, most gum disease and most decay occurs in the back teeth 

  • 首先抽出大概18尺寸长的牙线,用你的中指将牙线的两端卷起中间留下大概5寸长的牙线。
  • 然后,用你的拇指与食指捏着牙线,留下中间大概1寸长的牙线牙线一定要绷紧。
  • 像拉锯一样在牙齿之间轻轻地拉动牙线。注意,不要将牙线拉到脆弱的牙龈组织上。
  • 当拉到牙龈线时,将牙线贴合牙齿弯成“C”形,然后缓缓滑入牙齿和牙龈的缝隙中。
  • 将牙线从牙龈向外沿着牙齿的侧面刮,顺着牙齿侧边的轮廓从底部向顶部刮,尽可能多地清除牙菌斑。拉出牙线后,改用一段干净的牙线清洁另一边的牙齿。
  • 别忘了清洁最里面一颗牙的后侧,包括上牙和下牙。

Q: I don't like to floss, it is so hard to handle the tiny floss inside my mouth. Any other way of doing it? 

A:Many tooth-cleaning options exist for people whose manual dexterity is compromised by poor coordination, hand pain, paralysis, and amputations -- or simply by fingers that are too big to fit inside the mouth.
One option is to use floss holders. These disposable plastic Y-shaped devices (some equipped with a spool of floss) hold a span of floss between two prongs to allow one-handed use.

其中一个选择是使用牙线夹(floss holder). 这些以Y型设计的牙线夹能夹着牙线,只需要一只手就能握着把柄清理牙齿间的牙食。

Q: Is flossing suitable for everyone? 

A: If you have big gap between your teeth, floss is not suitable for you. You may need to use other types of interdental aids such as interdental brush, water floss, and single tuft brush.
如果你的牙齿的间距太大,牙线就不能有效地清理。牙齿间距太大的原因是因为牙龈病造成的牙龈萎缩。如果你有这问题,那你可能需要使用齿间清理器比如齿间牙刷 ( interdental brush),,水牙线冲洗器 (water floss),及簇牙刷(Single Tufted Brush).

Q: Why my gum bleed when i floss?

A: Your gum bleed when you flossing your teeth because your gum are inflamed, Inflamed gum bleed easily when you touch it. But no worry, If you are not using it gently, it will help to remove the bacteria and plaques. Continue flossing, and the problem will stop after few days. If the problem persist, see the dentist and have a dental scaling.  
