Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Candy that help reduce decay tooth! 能减少蛀牙的糖果!

Candy that help reduce decay tooth!

Our mouth are a delicate balance of good and bad bacteria. When we clean our teeth, the aim is to knock out cavity causing bacteria, while allowing beneficial oral bacteria to thrive. Now, researchers have developed a sugar free candy, which contains dead bacteria that bind to bad bacteria, potentially reducing cavities.
To promote better oral health, a team from the Berlin-based firm Organobalance GmbH, Germany, created a new candy, which they claim reduced levels of 'bad' bacteria in study subjects' mouths. They note that after we eat, bacteria on the surface of the teeth release acid, which can dissolve the tooth enamel, leading to cavities.
"Bad Bacteria" streptococci mutans that causing caries
The most common strain of this "bad" bacteria is called Mutans streptococci. However, the researchers say that in previous studies with rats, another bacteria called Lactobacillus paracaseihas been shown to reduce levels of the cavity-causing bacteria, decreasing the number of cavities in the rodents. 
The team, led by Christine Lang, believe that by binding with M. streptococci, the L. paracaseibacteria prevent this bad bacteria from reattaching to the teeth, causing it to get washed away by saliva.

Candy 'significantly lowered' bad oral bacteria levels

A pile of candy

Dentists normally suggest staying away from sweets, but a newly created sugar-free bacteria-containing candy reduced levels of bad oral bacteria.
In their trial study, which involving 60 subjects, Lang and her team tested whether their sugar-free candy, which contained heat-killed samples of L. paracasei DSMZ16671, reduced levels of bad oral bacteria.
Results showed that nearly 75% of the participants who ate candies with the good bacteria had "significantly lower" levels of bad bacteria in their saliva than before, compared with the control group.
Additionally, the subjects who ate candy with 2 mg of L. paracasei had a reduction in bad bacteria levels after eating only one piece of candy.
The researchers write:
"We think it remarkable that this effect was observed after exposure to only five pieces of candy containing 1 or 2 mg of dead L. paracasei DSMZ16671 consumed in 1.5 days."
They say that by using dead bacteria, they avoided problems that live bacteria might have caused. They also note that the L. paracasei does not bind with other goood oral bacteria, which is why this is a better cavity prevention method than other probiotics.
"Additionally," they add, "sugar-free candies stimulate saliva flow, a benefit to oral health."


为了更好地促进口腔健康,德国的一家公司Organobalance GmbH,创造了一种新的糖果,研究发现新糖果测试者口中的“坏”细菌有明显的降低。他们说当我们吃了食物后,牙齿的表面上的细菌释放出的酸质会侵蚀牙本质(enamel),导致蛀牙。
这个“坏”细菌最常见的是变形链球菌 (strepcocci mutans)。然而,研究人员发现另一个细菌称为乳酸杆菌类 (lactobacillus paracaseihas) 可以减少实验老鼠的口腔里造成蛀牙的细菌。

“坏细菌” 变形链球菌是造成蛀牙的
该团队在Christine Lang的带领下,相信通过乳酸杆菌( L. paracaseibacteria)与变形性链球菌(strepcocci mutans) 的绑定,并防止这种坏细菌附着在牙齿上,使它能通过唾液冲走。

Lang 和他的团队展开试验,试验有60名测试者,测试含有DSMZ16671不活跃乳酸杆菌的无糖糖果。
A pile of candy

“我们认为,在1.5天内牙齿如果能暴露在有五个含有1或2毫克的死乳酸杆菌DSMZ16671,就能观察到这种效果。 ”
“此外, ”他们补充说, “无糖糖果刺激唾液流动,也能有益于口腔健康。 ”