DON’T throw your knocked out teeth, It can be “save”!!
Do you know what to do with a knocked-out tooth? Whether the cause is sports, an accident, or assault, it is important to know what to do and when to do it.
If you, your child or anyone around you fall and a tooth is knocked out, don’t be panic!
Try to find the tooth. After you found the tooth, hold the tooth by the crown (the white part), not by the root (the yellow part).
Check whether the tooth is adult or milk tooth.
The primary tooth should not be replaced once it has been knocked out.
If it is an adult tooth, check the tooth if it is contaminated, rinse shortly with cold tap water and put the tooth back in its place. This can be done by the child or an adult. If not contaminated, replant immediately, if possible. Hold the tooth in place. Then, bite on a handkerchief to hold it in position and go to the dentist immediately.
If you cannot put the tooth back in, place it in a cup of milk or saline. When milk or saline are not available, place the tooth in the child's mouth (between the cheeks and gums), or put into a cup with your own or your child’s saliva. Then immediately seek specialized dental treatment. Children between 7 and 10 years of age are more exposed to suffer avulsion due to the elasticity of the bone at this age. During the healing period, you are advised to take soft diet and good oral hygiene.
不慎撞掉牙齿勿丢弃 及时送治可“救活”
生活中我们会遇到这种情况,在打篮球、踢足球或练习散打及跆拳道,以及小孩跳蹦蹦床、溜滑梯和不小心摔一跤时,牙齿因受到外力撞击而脱落。此时,你千万不能自认倒霉把牙齿丢掉,因为保管好撞掉的牙齿及时到医院治疗可以将牙齿“救活”。尝试在周围寻找您掉落的牙齿。找到您的牙齿之后,记得只能拿着牙齿的头部,千万别碰倒根部。 然后查看掉落的牙是恒牙还是乳牙。 如果是乳牙,别将其放回原位。 如果是恒牙,捏住牙冠用清水进行冲洗。
*adapted from international dental trauma guide*