Sunday, July 6, 2014

[IMPLANT 种牙 ] 6 Common questions about dental implants. 6 个种植牙常问的问题

What are dental implants? 种牙/植牙是什么?

A dental implant, or more commonly known as planting teeth, is an artificial root made of titanium metal. It is inserted into the jawbone to replace the root of the natural tooth.

An artificial replacement tooth is attached to the implant. The implant acts as an anchor to hold the replacement tooth in place.


2. Q: How to know if i'm suitable for dental implants? 我想要种牙,可是不知道我适不适合种牙
If you are in good general health, have healthy gums and have enough bone in the jaw to hold an implant, dental implants might be right for you. If your jawbone has shrunk or if it has not developed normally, you may be able to have a bone graft to build up the bone. A bone graft is a way of adding new bone to your jawbone. Your dentist or dental specialist will tell you if bone grafting can be done.


3. Q: How dental implants are done?
Your dentist or specialist will carefully examine your mouth and take x-rays of your head, jaw and teeth to find out if dental implants are right for you.


a. During the first stage of surgery, your dentist or specialist will put a dental implant into your jawbone beneath the gum tissue. The gum tissue is then stitched back into place. As the tissue heals, the implant will bond with the bone and attach to the gum. It can take several months to heal.

a. 在第一阶段的手术中,你的牙医会先进行开骨,在局部麻醉下采用微创手术将缺失牙齿的牙槽骨打开。然后将种植牙植入牙槽骨中后进行缝合。种植钉植入后,愈合期一般在3-6个月,种植钉即可与牙槽骨紧密愈合。

b. During the second stage of surgery and once the tissue is healed, your dentist or specialist will attach an abutment to the implant. An abutment is a post that connects the replacement tooth to the implant. In some cases, the first and second stage of implant surgery may be done in one single stage.

b. 4-6个月,当你的牙龈愈合后,牙医会开始第二阶段的手术。牙医将会安装上种植牙基台,手术只是在局麻下用特制的手术器械在植入种植体相对应的牙龈上旋切一个小口,暴露种植体上端后,安装牙龈基桩,即将植入颌骨的种植体穿出牙龈。

c. An artificial replacement tooth is made and your dentist or specialist attaches it to the abutment. It may take several appointments


Q: How long can my dental implant(s) last? 我的种植牙能耐多久呢?

Because dental implants are placed in the jawbone, artificial replacement teeth attached to implants look and act much like natural teeth. Like natural teeth, implants need to be kept clean using a toothbrush and floss to keep it as long as it can. If you fail to take care of your implant, it will fail even faster than our natural teeth. Your dentist will show you the proper cleaning procedure for implants. Regular dental checkups are important so your dentist can make sure that your bite is right and that your implants are not loose.


4. Q: How much the dental implant treatment cost? 种牙要多少钱呢?

Well, Implants can cost more than other kinds of replacement teeth. The cost of treatment range from RM6K to 8k per implant in private dental clinic, and RM 3K to 4k in goverment dental clinic. Because it involves several visits to complete, you may request to pay by several times. 


5. Q: Is there any complication, or risk of problems for planting teeth? 植牙手术疗程会有什么风险或并发症吗?
Although rare, possible complications due to dental implants include bleeding, infection, numbness or injury to nearby muscles or the sinus cavity, and some people do develop allergic to the implant metal. In some cases, the implant may not be successful because it didn’t bond to the bone.

6. Q: What else should I know? 还有什么我需要知道的吗?
Several visits to your dentist or dental specialist may be needed until the process is done. Checkups will be scheduled during the following year so your dentist can be sure your implants are working properly. 
